
Guinea Pig

Guinea Pig


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The FT Guinea Pig is the perfect platform to carry out the craziest experiments in the air. While it can carry a hefty payload, which can be dropped out the rear hatch, it can also be set up to carry out extreme aerobatic manuevers. Use differential thrust to perform amazing 3d manuevers such as harriers and knife edge. Tone down your controls and the Guinea behaves like a predictable trainer plane and is the perfect first time twin engined plane.



FT Guinea Pig

The FT Guinea Pig is the perfect platform to carry out the craziest experiments in the air. While it can carry a hefty payload, which can be dropped out the rear hatch, it can also be set up to carry out extreme aerobatic manuevers. Use differential thrust to perform amazing 3d manuevers such as harriers and knife edge. Tone down your controls and the Guinea behaves like a predictable trainer plane and is the perfect first time twin engined plane.

Cost Effective - Expensive - Due to Twin Electronics

Expert Advice

” Keep the speed up when flying this airplane. Fly it low, fly it fast, buzz around and have some fun ! Fly around with friends or chase them around with a simple FPV setup. This plane is just too much fun ! “

Anuj KesarwaniBeginner RC Plane flier

Additional information

Weight 5.5 kg
Kit Options

Standard Kit without Wheels, Standard kit with 6 Wheels and 8 Collars


No Electronics, Guinea Pig Power Pack